[kswr_heading head_title=”KEW GARDENS TEMPERATE HOUSE RESTORATION” head_title_fsize=”font-size:19px;” head_title_fstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:inherit;” head_subtitle_fsize=”font-size:14px;” head_subtitle_fstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:inherit;” head_title_margins=”margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;” head_subtitle_margins=”margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;”]

Produced for Ramboll by MotionBlurr Studios
Production Dates: June – July 2018
Link to Project


Reopened in May 2018 by David Attenborough, Temperate House is a magnificent Victorian glasshouse in the heart of Kew Gardens. A five year restoration project has repaired and updated the building ready for today’s visitors and tomorrow’s needs.

This project involved myself as self-shooting director and producer.