[kswr_heading head_title=”NEO EXPLORER KIT” head_title_fsize=”font-size:19px;” head_title_fstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:inherit;” head_subtitle_fsize=”font-size:14px;” head_subtitle_fstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:inherit;” head_title_margins=”margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;” head_subtitle_margins=”margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;”]

Produced for Rotolight by MotionBlurr Studios
Production Dates: Apr 2018


The NEO 2 Explorer Kit is an award-winning lighting kit that delivers power, portability, and comfort for photographers and videographers on the go.

Rotolight were looking for a bespoke film to illustrate the ease and portability in working with the kit. I created a treatment and stroyboard before shooting the film with a crew on location at Black Park just outside Pinewood Studios.